Business Overview

The business scope of China Re HK covers various types of insurance including life and health insurance.By providing treaty reinsurance and facultative reinsurance, it relocates and resolves risks for customers through proportional or non-proportional reinsurance arrangements.

Relying on the advantages of its parent company in data, products, services and technologies, China Re HK actively explores the product and service models for life insurance, health insurance, cross-border medical care and cross-border endowment insurance, conducts full-process management for cross-border RMB business, strives to build a cross-border RMB reinsurance centre, and monitors and develops longevity risk. It has gradually developed comprehensive reinsurance solutions combining multiple business models, and continues to develop itself into an integrated reinsurance service provider covering risk management, capital management, data management, technical consulting and health management.

Life Reinsurance
988钱包下载iosLife Reinsurance
The Company undertakes the life reinsurance business, which is the core business of the Company. The Company relocates and resolves risks for our customers by providing treaty reinsurance and facultative reinsurance with reinsurance arrangements such as risk premium, co-insurance and modified co-insurance. More
988钱包下载iosHealth Reinsurance
The Company actively develops the health reinsurance business, especially helping customers in new product development and providing technical support by relying on our large database of health insurance. We have a professional technical team to conduct researches on hospitalization rate, morbidity, distribution of medical expenses, characteristics of the population, and other data, including time-cross-sectional studies of data and longitudinal trend studies over time. More
Health Reinsurance
Annuity Reinsurance
988钱包下载iosAnnuity Reinsurance
The Company is committed to developing annuity reinsurance business, providing customers with professional longevity risk relocating services, and undertaking longevity risks through non-proportional reinsurance. More